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Card Valet

Stay in control of your Mastercard Debit Cards.

Manage your finances while guarding against fraud by using the CardValet® app.
  • Receive alerts when your Mastercard Debit card is used
  • Turn your Mastercard debit card on and off
  • Establish transaction controls by category, dollar limits, and locations
  • Stay informed of potential fraud with alerts on attempted and declined transactions

Download the Card Valet app:
App Store logo     Google play store logo
Link all of your TruStar Mastercard debit cards that you want to set controls and alerts for.
Set up one control and one alert for each card to ensure that they are working in the way that you prefer.

Fraud Protection
  • Real-time alerts keep you informed when your debit cards are used
  • Transaction controls allow your debit cards to work only in specific locations or geographic areas
  • When your debit cards are "off," no withdrawals or purchases will be approved
Control Spending
  • Set spending limits for general use or specify thresholds by merchant types, such as gas, groceries or retail stores
  • Establish controls by location and change parameters via your mobile device
Business Use
  • Use transaction controls for merchant codes, locations, transaction types and thresholds to ensure employee spending adheres to company policies
Review Balances and Transactions
  • Monitor your finances anytime, anywhere by using the CardValet app to check your account balances or review recent card transactions
Simple Mobile Interface
  • Intuitive app design makes it easy to access account information and controls with the tap of a finger

App store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc.

Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Copyright 2020 TruStar Federal Credit Union. All rights reserved.
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